Eigentlich bist du schon total aufgeregt und überlegst seit Tagen, wie sich die erste Begegnung mit anderen Hunden ohne Leine gestalten wird. Deine Fellnase spürt deine Aufregung, die sich wie von Zauberhand auf ihn überträgt und ihn selbst unruhig werden lässt. Wenn du folgende Tipps beherzigst, werdet ihr die Besuche auf der Hundewiese genießen und dein Vierbeiner kann sich ganz gelassen an andere Hunde gewöhnen.
At every dog run, there are times when virtually every dog owner from the neighborhood seems to be there at the same time. For your first few visits, it's better to get there an hour before rush hour. This will give your dog a chance to meet newcomers one on one. If you arrive at rush hour, you can be sure your four-legged friend will be greeted by a pack eager to play - and be overwhelmed on the first visit.
Your dog retreats when approached by a barking and joyfully running up and down companion? Be patient and consider that the excited dog may frighten your still inexperienced puppy. Not always "the new guy" immediately fits into the existing group. More usually, the existing community and the newcomer need a little time to get to know each other and find out if they like each other.
If you stand protectively in front of your dog or even pick him up, you give him insecurity and lay the foundation for lifelong fear. Be calm, relax. People who use dog parks in the city have well-behaved dogs and know that their four-legged friends get along with other dogs. Your satisfaction and relaxation are the security for your dog to also relax and trust you.
The first visit to the dog park is crucial to how subsequent encounters with…
The playful challenge strengthens your bond and ensures that your four-legged friend is physically…
Here are 5 recommendations for dog toys and a few tips on what you…